
Showing posts from August, 2010

Google Made Phone Call Cheaper from Gmail

Recently Google has announced that it has integrated voice calling with Gmail. However Calls are free only for US and Canada but still this will be cheaper for other countries as well. You just need to install a plugin  voice and video plug-in . For more information visit

HTMl 5 Overview

Now a days I am hearing lot of buzz regarding new HTML5 technology coming up. So thought of writing something about it in my blog as well and add some cool links to learn it. What is HTML5? HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) came into software industry in 1991 and it made revolution in the industry. After this people started creating websites which are more interactive and attractive.HTML was one reason of internet boom that we are seeing now a days. Now there is another era coming HTML5.   " HTML 5 is a new standard being build by  WHATWG(   Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group ). This will end third party plugin dependencies in web browser. We used to install Adobe Flash, SilverLight etc for supporting rich contents"         HTML5 = HTML + CSS + JS APIs Best Overview of HTML5 is available at w3c dev website . I like following video from google:- Which browser Support it? Safari 5 Google C...

Internet Explorer 9 Final Preview

Microsoft ( MSFT ) has released final preview of its widely used browser Internet Explorer. They are calling it Internet Explorer version 9(IE 9). They have included various features in it. HTML5 which is told as future of web is included in it. Which is a major change in Microsoft browser strategy. They are facing lot of competition from Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox . Google( GOOG ) has already included HTML5 features in its browser. Check some cool Demos at IE 9  Official Page Beta is expected to come in september and Microsoft is targetting 100/100 ACID Test rating.Currently it is 95/100. Checkout Official Microsoft IE Blog

Bye Bye Google Wave

 Does Not deserve this :( Google has announced in its official blog  that it will no longer develop Google Wave as a separate Product. It says that this product is not adapted into the market as expected. This was launched in 2009 Google IO. Check Launch Video in my older posts here . But Google has said that it will continue to use this technology in its product internally at least till this end of year. Read Full story at Official Google Blog.

Adobe Flash Builder Tutorial

Adobe has recently launched Adobe Flash Builder. They have renamed Flex Builder to Flash Builder in its Version 4. Other Material and Cook Book FLEX 4 Tutorial FLEX CookBook Enjoy Learning latest technologies in market.