HTMl 5 Overview

Now a days I am hearing lot of buzz regarding new HTML5 technology coming up. So thought of writing something about it in my blog as well and add some cool links to learn it.

What is HTML5?
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) came into software industry in 1991 and it made revolution in the industry. After this people started creating websites which are more interactive and attractive.HTML was one reason of internet boom that we are seeing now a days. Now there is another era coming HTML5.
 "HTML 5 is a new standard being build by WHATWG( Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group). This will end third party plugin dependencies in web browser. We used to install Adobe Flash, SilverLight etc for supporting rich contents"

        HTML5 = HTML + CSS + JS APIs

Best Overview of HTML5 is available at w3c dev website.

I like following video from google:-

Which browser Support it?
  • Safari 5
  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • IE 9
Currently Safari 5 and chrome are best browser for HTML 5. Microsoft will support HTML5 in its next version Internet Explorer 9 which is expected end of this year or early next year.

HTML5 Sites

Hopping  that you will like this article. Keep learning... :)

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