Commandline Copy Files from Unix to Window

During my work I have came across one requirement to copy file from a Unix (Solaris) environment to Windows machine.

You can use WINSCP Command line Utility or Putty (PSCP) Utility to do this.

Using Putty

C:\> “C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\PSCP" -v -pw YourPassword> <unix_user>@<unix_machine>:<File Path> D:\<New Folder>\

Here YourPassword : password to connect to unix/solaris user.

unix_user : Unix user id
unix_machine : unix machine with proper domain
File Path: Path of file or folder to copy
New Folder: Destination Folder where file to be copied.

Using WInSCP

C:\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /command "open sftp://<unix_user>:<Password>@<unix_machine>" "cd <source file folder\file path>" "get <File> D:\<Destination_Folder>\"

Here we are using to use command line.

Other parameters are self explanatory.

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